- Come and Join Us!
- ADBIG Membership
- Currently there are around two hundred members of ADBIG worldwide.
Whilst most live within the UK, some reside as far afield as America, Australia,
and Malta.
- ADBIG members range from those who have spent many years working in
the bus industry, some retired and some still in very senior positions,
ex-servicemen and women who used A&D buses whilst based in the area
during their careers in the armed forces, to local people who have fond
memories of travelling to school or work using an Aldershot & District
bus, or others who are simply interested in historical public transport.
- Membership Benefits
- For a full summary of all the benefits of joining ADBIG sse
How To Become An ADBIG Member
Anyone over the age of 16 can join the group simply by contacting the membership
secretary, enclosing a completed membership form, downloaded using link
below, together with a cheque for the appropriate subscription payment (made
payable to Aldershot & District Bus Interest Group).
You can also pay by Standing Order. Simply arrange with your bank for
a regular annual standing order payment to be paid to Aldershot &
District Bus Interest Group. ( Bank; NatWest Aldershot; Sort Code
60-01-08; Account Number 77415809).
New Members - Dont Delay
Join ADBIG Today On-Line Using PayPal
Members subscription are:-
- £25.00 per year for Printed Newsletters sent by post & e-mail (UK only)
- £16.00 per year for Newsletters sent by e-mail only (UK only)
- £16.00 per year Overseas Members (Newsletters sent by e-mail only)
- By writing to:-
- The Membership Secretary,
Aldershot & District Bus Interest Group,
111 Park Barn Drive,
- By E-Mail
- Subscription Rates
- £25.00 per year for Printed Newsletters sent by post & e-mail (UK only)
- £16.00 per year for Newsletters sent by e-mail only (UK only)
- £16.00 per year Overseas Members (Newsletters sent by e-mail only)
Download Membership
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